Friday, March 15, 2013

Rummage Sale

There is a church we pass every week on the way home from the grocery store. Recently, we saw a sign posted near their driveway advertisng a rummage sale they would be holding.  Sammy and I have never been to one of those before so we decided we would get up early the day of the sale to check it out together.

Sam worked extra hard that week volunteering for any paid job that she saw needed to be done around the house in order to have some pocket money for the sale.  She made sure not to neglect her "just because I live here" chores, so that she would not be fined.  (Because we can't just be diligent only when we're getting paid to be)!

There were a lot of different things for sale and they all had super low prices.  We meant to take a few pictures while we were there, but our hands were full of all the fun stuff we found.  Instead, we ended up taking pctures when we got home.

We found this pretty wreath that still had the store tag on it.  It also had pacifiers, pins, and "It's a girl!" ribbons on it.  But we both thought it would be nice for spring, so we just cut the baby decorations off when we got home and saved them with our gift wrap and ribbons.

I also found an unused Toddy Cold Brew System, including the instructions manual and 2 extra filters, for only a dollar!  A dollar people!  I snagged that for one of my sisters (you're welcome, Becky), since I love the one that was given to me a few years ago.

All of my other finds were Christmas related. I found an old cotton table cloth that I LOVE, for $1.  It has a wee coffee or gravy stain in the center, but it's so small that a candle could easily cover it.  I also found a Christmas table runner for 50 cents that would do the job just as well.

We both loved these two little pails and Sammy is already planning to fill them with cookies next Christmas.

My final pick was a bag of small wooden ornaments that reminded me of some we had on our tree when I was little. Sammy and I both agree, the snowman on the shooting star is the best!

Sammy came home with an armful of goodies herself.  And best of all, she got it all for less than $1!
Her favorite find was the pink bunny, but she also really likes the fairy palace pop up book and the little red striped vase which she uses as a tumbler.  It only cost her a nickel.

That was definitely a fun morning!


  1. Woot, woot! More coffee for me! You're the bestest!

    Also, I have to give you points for snagging the snowman ornament and to Sammy for snagging the bunny ;)

  2. What is cold brewed coffee?!? I use my french press daily (sometimes twice daily. In the summer I make it the night before and chill it so I can feed my iced coffee addiction. Being able to brew it cold would save me a step.

    1. I thought you were using it already because I remembered your iced coffee in the fridge last time I visited. ;) You soak about a pound of coarsely ground coffee in water for 12 hours. Then you drain it into the glass container below (toss the grounds or use them for compost). You end up with a coffee extract that has 70% less acid and less caffeine (which is great because you can drink more and not be as jittery!). You use that to make each drink fresh. 1 part extract to 3 parts hot or cold water and or milk/cream. You could also mix up a whole container of iced coffee at a time instead of going cup by cup. Just find the ratio you like best. They recommend 1 part to 3 parts, but you can go stronger or weaker. I think it said the extract stays fresh in the airtight container in the fridge for a month. You can use it to flavor cakes, ice cream, and whatever else you might make that you want to add a coffee flavor to.
